
Winter Turns into Spring - The Blog

By Sylvie Rouhani 17 Apr, 2024
#SAAM - the Sexual Assault Awareness campaign is this month. I wish I could write such things as: "If you have experienced sexual assault or rape, please go to the Police, talk to someone, anyone who could help you though this." Sadly, I can't because the reality is the experiences of victims and survivors of SA are still being dismissed, minimised, if not used as opportunities to further hurt those who are seeking help.
By Sylvie Rouhani 08 Apr, 2024
Mental health services in the UK have always been hard to access. In the last past 5 years, they can no longer meet the needs of the increasing numbers of suffering individuals. The recuring question is "Why are more and more people diagnosed with depression/ADHD/ BPD? ETC" So, what is happening?
By Sylvie Rouhani 08 Mar, 2024
What I call " Chronic Loneliness", others calls it "Attachment trauma", is the heart breaking, gnawing feeling that I am all alone, and frightened - knowing fully well I am not wanted here. There is no love here. This is something I live with every single day of my life. Some days. it is barely noticeable, other days, it is overwhelming, but it is always there, within me. I've learned to accept it with tender loving care, I am not going to lie: it hurts.
By Sylvie Rouhani 18 Dec, 2023
The end of the year 2023 is near. While we are forced fed Christmas joy everywhere, some of us, victims and survivors of child abuse and ,estranged from their immediate family (parents and siblings), this time of the year can be very painful. The holidays can bring up so much Christmas tears, while everyone else is caught up in Christmas cheers.
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Feeling and Grieving Our Losses - The Unloving Mother


For the next few weeks I am going to focus on the things we lost as victims and survivors of incest/ child sexual abuse and on the grieving process. This week , in the second instalment of " Feeling and Grieving Our Losses", is about The Unloving Mother. Some of us had a mother by our side to love and support us through life. Unfortunately, most if us, who grew up in a dysfunctional family, our mother didn't love us nor did she protect us. Worst still, what if she was one of those who abused us? This is one of the most painful experience to accept and to grieve.


I'd like to share my own journey with my mother with you:

My Mother was a very abusive woman with strong narcissist traits. Her little brother raped me . When I told her, I was in my 20s, she replied I should forget about it. The fact that this was done to me wasn't an excuse for my difficult behaviour as a small child and as a teenager. " You have always been a difficult, unhappy child. You can't blame everything on him."

I stopped visiting her after my last holidays back home (France) with my then partner and our 6 months old Daughter. My Mother told me I wasn't a good Mother. She wanted me to clean the house using my Daughter as an excuse. (As a teenager it was expected of me to clean the house, top to bottom for her to always say what a bad job I did. )She had tantrums in front of my partner. I came back in London and broke down. I didn't want to hold my baby as I was scared to hurt her.

It took me a few more years before cutting contact. She had spend a year trying to die. She was in and out of hospitals. I was on regular contact with my little brother and with her. I was listening to her and I supported her as much as I could. I got tired of not getting any update unless I called. When she was out of hospital, she was back to her usual self and putting me down. I had enough. I t was hard and it took me ages to recover from "divorcing "my Mother. Suddenly, I had a better and clearer understanding of what happened during my childhood. It was dark and terrifying.

Two years later, she send me an email. It wasn't her first email but until then I didn't reply. One of the first thing she said was: " So, are you done being angry?" It didn't last long as I told her not to give my personal details to any other members of the family but ,a few weeks later, I received an email from a cousin I barely knew. She needed help to find a work experience placement and somewhere to stay over the summer, here in London. She even told my cousin about my depression - I wasn't well at the time. I stopped it then and there: it was clear I couldn't trust her. I send her an email to let her know and blocked her.

In 2016, I relived the day when she beat me up telling me she was going to kill me! I spend that summer feeling the fear, the shock and the sadness of it all. I had locked it all in for so long. I was paralysed and stopped eating. She never wanted me and even tried to end my days. ( A reminder to those who told me she loved me in her own way! She did the best she can, with what she knew! This is crap: abuse isn't love. Unfortunately, not all Mothers are capable of loving. ) She insulted me, belittled me and criticized me for everything: the way I walked, the way I dressed up, the way I did my hair, my laugh, my tears. I was mocked the few times I was happy and also when I was depressed and hiding in my room. I was ugly, useless and stupid. I believed her, I still do. I quickly learned I didn't matter. Everything bad that happened to me was my fault. Everything she was unhappy about was also my fault. I was this huge mistake and I paid price.

Last year, I received a "friend" request from her, on Facebook, with a message: if I ever wanted to talk to her, I could contact her. I have tried to talk to her for so many years! She never listened to me and refused to talk about the abuse I received from her little brother and from her. It was too late. What got me that time was how sad I felt of not being able to reach out to her. It is even a matter of safety for me not to have her by my side. I still feel sad. I am grieving. I peeled off many layers of grief for the last few years and this process seems to get deeper and deeper at each layers.


A few weeks ago, I started to feel dissatisfied about my life, it seemed boring and lonely. I felt like something was missing. I thought maybe I could try and date again. I even set up an account on a dating site. It didn't feel right though and I didn't subscribe. Dating because my life seems to be boring and lonely isn't a good idea. Thinking back, these have been the reasons why I dated last year. It lasted two months as my date was controlling and wanted to fix me. Here is my chance to take a different step. I promised not to date as long as I feel the way I do; no matter how sad and painful it is to face

Soon after, I realised the something missing in my life is my mother's love. Actually, it isn't a new partner I want: "I want my mum to love me." My Inner Small Child declared. The very sad thing is, her mother doesn't love. She never did and never will. I crave the most is something I can never have. How heart breaking is that? It makes me feel really sad.

" I love my mummy, why doesn't she love me?" added my Small Inner Child. I was surprised by "I love my mummy." I have all this love stored within me that I was never able to give to A (My mother) and it still there and there is no A to give it to. For years I tried to give this love to all the wrong people, for all the wrong reasons. I tried to get my mother' s love through my romantic connections. I recall the many times I tried to love someone into recovery: if I stand by this person during their challenges, she/ he will change and love me, just as I did with my Mother when she was in psychiatric hospital all these years ago. This search for love only created pain. I don't want to suffer anymore.

So, I started chanting and praying to direct this love in ways that creates happiness, for me. I first thought of direct this love to my support group because they need love and support right now. As sweet as it was to think of my peers, I send healing vibes to them anyway, I was shocked I didn't even think of myself : "How about directing it to my Inner Children/ to myself?" From the intense emotional pain I feel on a daily basis right now, they are definitively suffering and needing of love. It was easier to think of directing this love outside of myself. It seemed so unfair: I was never loved as a child and now the Universe is showing me I need to love myself! It is a weird concept, one I can't do with my head but only with my heart.

Going deeper, as I understood from my research, an infant is totally dependent on his or her Mother's love. If a child is deprived of this basic and very important need, she or her can die if not physically, then emotionally. If, for whatever reasons, a mother isn't able to love her child, this kid will suffer deeply. Grieving this lose demands feeling the very things some of us have worked so hard not to face. It hurts badly to fully acknowledge you weren't loved and supported by the person who gave birth to you. it makes sense to me: how many times have I felt I was going to die from this lack of love and the pain it brings? Lots of times. Now I know I won't die but, it doesn't make the process less painful.

My need for my Mother's love was never met and never will be. So my other prayer to the Universe is: "How do I get this need met, in an healthy way?" Can it be met in my adult relationships?

"Remember you are loved, NOW." I was told recently but, this pain from the past, I feel it is NOW. It needs to be validated. I need to validate it. I need to feel it and cry it out. ( Feeling is easier than crying. Believe me I wish I could shed a few tears.) Growing up with an unloving mother made it so complicated for me to feel genuine love (whatever that is), as a woman with my friends. A couple of friends told me how precious I was in their life and I freaked out a little! "Your Daughter loves you!" is another thing I heard a lot since my daughter arrived in this world. Yes, she does and I love her back but, a daughter's love is different from a mother' s love. My daughter's love doesn't replace the love I needed as a child and that was never given to me. A child isn't a substitute for a mother! A partner isn't a substitute for a Mother. Friends aren't substitute for a mother. This realisation makes me feel really and lonely. "So who is going to love me then?" My Small Inner Child asked me. This is such a heart-breaking question to answer to. I could reply: "I love you. The Universe loves you." but all she wants is her mum to love her. She wants to feel special and wanted.

What about you? Did you have an unloving (and abusive) mother? Would you like to share your story about relationship with your Mother and the impact it had and still has on you, in the comment section ?


Read the first Feeling and Grieving Our Losses instalment, please click on the following link: Grief

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