
  About Me

 The chapters of my Life.

My childhood

I was born from a mother who really didn't want me. Growing up, it is something I was reminded of on a regular basis. Her little brother moved in with us and babysat us while she was working. He was violent towards my big brother and I. He also sexually abused me.

As the years passed by, my mother became more emotionally and physically violent . I was constantly told, or showed in my many ways, that I was useless, miserable, ugly, lazy and unlovable. There also was the day she beat me up and threatened to kill me. My big brother too was really manipulative and sexually abusive towards me. In School. I was bullied for my fragile appearance: I grew up with a muscular dystrophy and had great difficulties walking and participating in sports for many years. I was also painfully thin. At home or in school, I had no one to turn to.

Unknown to me at the time. and for many years, I have been suffering from depression, anxiety and C-PTSD but I was told I was just unhappy, crazy and will probably always be.

Young Woman out in the world

I cut ties with my family a few years ago. It was the best thing I ever did. It also was the most painful thing I ever did! It was necessary for my health and my safety as well as for my daughter's happiness. Even as an adult, once I told my Mother about the abuse, she replied that I've always been a difficult child anyway, my behaviour had nothing to do with the abuse. I couldn't possibly blame my uncle for everything. She wanted me to put it all in the past and leave it there.

As a young woman, I found myself into one unhealthy, and sometimes abusive, relationship after another. The only way I could relate with men was through sex. Deep down all I ever wanted was to be loved and cared for as I have never been before. I couldn't stay alone for too long, I needed someone's attention.  It took me years to put names to my behaviour: Attachment trauma.

Becoming a Mother

Giving birth to my daughter and raising her up the first years of her life brought up of trauma. Again, unknown to me at the time, I went through years of emotional flashbacks and, post natal depression kicked in big time. I thought I was a horrible mother, just like mine when I promised myself not to repeat the cycle of abuse. I was angry, frustrated and scared of hurting her. I decided to take myself to therapy. "I love my daughter but I hate motherhood." was one of the first thing I said to my therapist. Now, my daughter and I have a very special bond. I am so proud of myself, of her and of us, as mother and daughter.

Work - Training

I worked in bars and pubs until I was 8 months pregnant.  I also qualified as a Holistic masseuse and as a Reiki practitioner. I have given tarot readings in the past too. As soon as my daughter was in part time school, I went volunteering and training in various charities, learning important skills in active listening, counselling, care planning and many more. I was so proud of myself for finally finding work in the homelessness and mental health sectors. As I have been homeless ,after separating from my ex partner, and with my experience of mental health, I thought I would be the best person to support others. After all these years of volunteering, training and actually working, I made the tough decision not to work anymore. I was the one who needed support! My mental health was at its lowest: the pressure of being a not very well paid, working single mother whilst dealing with past trauma was overwhelming. I could no longer leave my worries at home and smile at work, supporting vulnerable people.

Health Crisis and Homelessness

In 2014, I hit my rock bottom, as it is said in recovery, after an unhealthy relationship ended, which left me homeless. I struggled with depression, anxiety, flashbacks and an emotional pain so intense I just wanted to die. Soon after, I was evicted from my flat and was put into care. For a year, I was bullied by my carer who was a religious fanatic and very manipulative. It took me threatening the organisation facilitating those placements with a complain to head office. In 2016, I was moved into a supported housing property, best suited to my needs.

Mental Illness Diagnosis and Therapy

As I had been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, I was referred to the local IPTT for Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT) This entailed a year and a half of group and individual therapy. It seemed the only aim for the therapists was for me to get better and to get back into full time work. They weren't interested in talking about my trauma. MBT focuses on changing your challenging behaviour. I re-lived a time when my mother threatened to kill me, obviously, I was really unwell. My depression intensified. I stopped eating and lost weight. However, as I was approaching the end of my therapy, I was told I didn't want to get better as I refused to focus on going back to work before I left the program. I left soon after. Once I was away from this toxic environment, I started to re-build my life. I prayed, practiced Buddhism, attended Co- Dependent Anonymous meetings, logged in a "Love Addiction" online forum. I surrounded myself with individuals who really understood what I have been through and the impact it had on me.

Coming out As a Bi-Sexual Woman

One of the reasons I was bullied in secondary school was because I fell in love with my best friend and the rumour spread I was gay. I also thought I was gay but was confused when I still had sexual experience with boys. Throughout my life, I mainly dated men but, I would secretly crush on women!!

It finally make sense, when I met a woman (She became a close friend) who was feeling the same: mostly with men but also liking the ladies!

I am Bi and happy to be Bi!

My Passions

During the last few years, I've volunteered with Time To Change, as a Champion. It entailed holding events to fighting stigma against mental health issues, by opening dialogues in the community. I am also supporting We Stand, an organisation supporting non abusive parents and carers of children who have been sexually abused.

I am a writer, a poet. I write this blog about my experiences of child abuse and neglect, and the many ways this has shaped my life. By using my words as a fighting tool to speak up on behalf of  the most vulnerable people in society, combining my two passions: writing and activism. I am a guest blogger for The C-PTSD Foundation's site.

I am the author of The Blossoming Lotus.


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