
Winter Turns into Spring - The Blog

By Sylvie Rouhani 17 Apr, 2024
#SAAM - the Sexual Assault Awareness campaign is this month. I wish I could write such things as: "If you have experienced sexual assault or rape, please go to the Police, talk to someone, anyone who could help you though this." Sadly, I can't because the reality is the experiences of victims and survivors of SA are still being dismissed, minimised, if not used as opportunities to further hurt those who are seeking help.
By Sylvie Rouhani 08 Apr, 2024
Mental health services in the UK have always been hard to access. In the last past 5 years, they can no longer meet the needs of the increasing numbers of suffering individuals. The recuring question is "Why are more and more people diagnosed with depression/ADHD/ BPD? ETC" So, what is happening?
By Sylvie Rouhani 08 Mar, 2024
What I call " Chronic Loneliness", others calls it "Attachment trauma", is the heart breaking, gnawing feeling that I am all alone, and frightened - knowing fully well I am not wanted here. There is no love here. This is something I live with every single day of my life. Some days. it is barely noticeable, other days, it is overwhelming, but it is always there, within me. I've learned to accept it with tender loving care, I am not going to lie: it hurts.
By Sylvie Rouhani 18 Dec, 2023
The end of the year 2023 is near. While we are forced fed Christmas joy everywhere, some of us, victims and survivors of child abuse and ,estranged from their immediate family (parents and siblings), this time of the year can be very painful. The holidays can bring up so much Christmas tears, while everyone else is caught up in Christmas cheers.
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We need more than #Hashtags for Change.

February was a busy month, filled with hashtags: #TimeToTalk; #ItsOkNotToBeOK; #childrenmentalhealthweek and #ItsNotOk, for the Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week. These are all important topics to learn about and to discuss. They are definitely great 1st steps but, they aren't enough.


Unfortunately, talking isn't enough. Very often, when someone opens up about their difficulties with Depression, or Anxiety ... They are advised to speak to their GP. At this time, in the UK, it is near impossible to get an appointment with a Doctor. In A&E, patients are waiting for up to 24 hours, if not more, to be seen. The children and adults' mental health services have years long waiting lists. To make matters worse, in January 2023, the a 10-year cross-Government plan for mental health and wellbeing has been scrapped and replaced with a decision to combine the mental health plan with plans for chronic health conditions.

24 January 2023, Mark Winstanley, Chief Executive of Rethink Mental Illness, responded: "Rethink Mental Illness 'deeply disappointed' at shelving of 10-year-plan for Mental Health and Wellbeing." which you can read in full on the Rethink Mental Illness' website.

It is nearly impossible to get access to therapy on the NHS. They mainly offer 8 weeks of CBT, sometimes online. The lack of funding, for the last 10 years, results in poor care and unending waiting lists. Private counselling/ therapy are a luxury for those who need support the most. This will only get worse with the "Cost of Living" crisis.


 The other problem, for those who speak up, is the response they get by therapists, and those closest to them:

"Leave the past in the past."

"You are overreacting."

"You don't really want to get better, do you?"

" Think positive."

All these remarks are denying or minimising the painful experiences individuals go through. More often than not, it feels like it isn't ok to be ok. The way individuals are encouraged and supported are outdated. "Trauma Informed" is all the rage right now. But, what does "Trauma Informed" really means?

NAPAC explains it well: Trauma-informed practice page.

"In other words, a trauma-informed organisation pursues an approach in all areas of its operations to prevent the replication of traumatic experiences or dynamics among clients and staff and avoids adding to the chronic stress people carry.

A programme, organisation or system that is trauma-informed, as defined by the US Government,

  • realises the widespread impact of trauma and understands potential paths for recovery
  • recognises the signs and symptoms of trauma in clients, family, staff and others involved in the system
  • responds by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures and practices
  • seeks to actively resist re-traumatisation."

An authentic Trauma Informed Practice focuses on the individual's experiences of trauma and on its impact, not just on the "disordered" symptoms resulting from adverse experiences. It is a person centred approach when the patient is involved in their care and supported through difficult times.


#ChildrenMentalHealthWeek. Young Mind published the following statistics:

  • Just over one in three children and young people with a diagnosable mental health condition get access to NHS care and treatment.
  • In a YoungMinds survey, three-quarters (76%) of parents said that their child's mental health had deteriorated while waiting for support from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) (x).
  • In a YoungMinds commissioned survey by Censuswide, two-thirds (67%) of young people said they would prefer to be able to access mental health support without going to see their GP but half (53%) said they didn't know how else to access this help
  • One in six children aged five to 16 were identified as having a probable mental health problem in July 2021, a huge increase from one in nine in 2017. That’s five children in every classroom.

What makes things even more difficult for children is the lack of mental health awareness in schools. The focus is solely on getting top marks and top attendance. If a child keep missing classes because of, for instance, anxiety, both parents and children are being threatened with fines and sanctions. If a chid isn't well s/he/they will not be able to focus on their education, this mounting pressure is counter-productive. The child is being punished for being  unwell, adding to their distress.

More funding is needed towards the Mental Health National budget. We need more person - centred therapeutic approaches and more compassionate, trauma-informed practices; not just therapies to change "problematic" behaviours. The connection of mind and body need to be fully accepted and taken into serious consideration in care plans. There is a need of a shift from: "What is wrong with you? Let's see how we can fix you." To "What happened to you? Let me know what you need."

The biggest stigma of all is the perceptions that people suffering with mental illnesses are mad. lazy, difficult or childish. They need to be corrected, when , in fact, most of the time, what these individuals really need are a safe place, a safe person they can just pour their heart out to, without fear of being told how they really feel, what they should do and having this huge pressure to better themselves, (quickly please!), and to perform in ways that are more "acceptable."

We all need love and acceptance, during our most difficult times.


You can also read:

Teenagers' Mental Health and Happiness Matter

Child Sexual Abuse: we aren't "losing it", we are suffering.

Recovery from Child Sexual Abuse and Self-compassion

Child Sexual Abuse: When Therapists Got it Wrong

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